THE Academy


How Automotive Trends
Impact the Electromechanics

Lead Experts

Uwe Hauck

Uwe Hauck

Dir Product Management


The automotive industry has always been subject to constant change, but the speed and scope of change has increased considerably and is no longer solely a result of the automotive industry but is now also influenced to a large extent by external forces. This is particularly the case when digital forms of communication have an influence on the vehicle architecture or when physical powertrains have to be changed or completely renewed by legislation.

On the one hand, this changes the vehicle's architecture and its interaction with its environment, on the other hand, the changes also require adjustments to the electromechanical components used and their manufacture. In addition to purely electric vehicles, hybrid architectures with 48Volt & 500Volt wiring systems will play an important role on the market. High-voltage connectors as well as the HV vehicle electrical system architecture are subject to other requirements such as the 12V architecture used today.

The seminar offers an introduction to the transformation through the electrification and digitization of the automobile. It explains simply the technical complexity of electric mobility and how it is impacted by accompanying trends such as digitization, new transportation models and autonomous driving.

Course Content

  • Trends influencing the automotive industry and modern cars
  • Impact of legal requirements like Emissions Control
  • The changing supply-chain
  • New technology and architecture challenges and their impact on the physical electrical system
  • Are electrification and digitization the answers to all challenges?
  • Charging technologies and their applications
  • Drivers for future product and manufacturing strategies
  • Thriving in a global market or what adjustments must be made in order to survive internationally?
The format offers space for open discussion and will answer questions based on examples, how a transformation can succeed.


  • 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM CET

Area of Interest




Target Group

The seminar is aimed for technical as well as non-technical professionals working in industry, trade, or politics who want to learn more about automotive industry trends in electromobility and their wider impact on physical wiring systems and electromechanical component design.


400 € excl. VAT
(incl. seminar documents)


September 7th 2023

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