TE Connectivity

AI Draws Engineering Talent

Engineers are prioritizing
AI-powered career paths.

AI has become a key factor in engineers’ employment decisions, with 80% saying that they prefer to work for, or actively seek out, organizations that prioritize AI integration. Those strong feelings reflect engineers’ expectations for how AI will shape the technology industry in the future: 81% believe AI will help solve complex problems they currently face, and 73% expect organizations to make AI integration a core part of their company culture.

Combining this emphasis with findings from last year’s survey – in which 70% of engineers said they seek out jobs that support climate change solutions and expect their organizations to address climate change as part of the company culture – it’s clear that making AI integration and sustainability core priorities will help attract the talented engineers who drive innovation.

The attraction of AI

Do engineers want to work for a company that prioritizes AI integration?





TE Takeaway

Hear advice from CHRO Malavika Sagar on how companies should be talking about AI with job candidates.

TE TCHRO Malavika Sagar

Hear advice from CHRO Malavika Sagar on how companies should be talking about AI with job candidates.