The Need for AI Training
Greater investment in AI training will help organizations use AI to its full potential.
The majority of engineers are eager to increase their AI skills through specialized training, having overcome concerns about AI’s potential threat to their job security. Yet 42% of executives said their organizations still don’t offer AI training programs. That figure is even higher in the U.S., where more than half of executives said their organizations have not provided AI training programs. At the other end of the spectrum, only about one in four executives in Japan and India said they still don’t offer AI training programs.
The training gap is also wider in certain industries, such as industrial machinery and automotive and commercial transportation, where more than half of respondents (55%) said their organizations either haven’t provided AI training or believe that AI training/upskilling resources are not available.
Investing in AI training programs – and focusing that training on how engineers can use AI in their day-to-day jobs – will help accelerate progress toward important business and innovation goals.
TE Takeaway
Nathan Myer, staff product development engineer, offers his opinions on what engineers are seeking in a company's AI training program.
Nathan Myer, staff product development engineer, offers his opinions on what engineers are seeking in a company's AI training program.