TE Connectivity
2024 Industrial Technology Index

What do organizations want to achieve by 2030?

We found that organizations are optimistic about their ability to achieve their AI and sustainability goals. Engineers and executives both rated the importance of “product innovation” and “internal sustainability goals” higher than “financial goals.” However, they are also confronting internal and external challenges that could threaten success, including technical issues, questions about resources and training requirements, and the need to clarify roles and responsibilities.
About the survey
The TE Connectivity Industrial Technology Index is a third-party, independent research study that examines innovation culture within the industries shaping our world.
The online survey, taken by 1,000 engineers and executives in the U.S., China, Germany, India, and Japan, was designed to provide insights on how companies are managing critical innovation issues.
The survey was conducted between September 7 and October 4, 2023. Subjects were working in one of the following industries: wireless technology | data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence | automotive and commercial transportation | industrial machinery | energy solutions | sensor applications | commercial and home appliances | aerospace and defense | medical devices / technology.