TE Connectivity
people looking at windmills at sunset.

A passion for sustainability

Opportunities to address sustainability issues are non-negotiable for Gen Z and Millennial engineers.

Sustainability is a critical differentiator for organizations trying to recruit younger engineers. Gen Z and Millennial engineers1 are more likely than more experienced engineers to prioritize achieving their organization’s long-term internal sustainability goals (52% vs. 35%). These younger engineers are even more likely to say that sustainability is extremely important to their organizations and have a more positive outlook on the state of sustainability at their organizations.

However, retaining younger talent will require organizations to live up to their commitments to adopt sustainable business practices, which will help maintain the positive attitudes that younger engineers have toward their chosen place of work.

Engineering team working together in a design lab.

Engineering team working together in a design lab.

1 Generational groups represent people in born in the following years: Baby Boomer = 1946-1964; Gen X = 1965-1980; Millennial = 1981-1996; Gen Z = 1997-2012.

Younger engineers prioritize sustainability

Gen Z / Millennial
Gen X / Boomer
Priority Icon


The percentage of engineers who ranked sustainability goals in the top two priorities for 2030.



Sustainability Icon


The percentage of engineers who rate sustainability as “extremely important."



Proactive Icon


The percentage of engineers who agree their company is taking a proactive stance on sustainability.



Culture Icon


The percentage of engineers who believe sustainability is embedded in their company’s culture.



Fostering Icon


The percentage of engineers who agree that an organization’s commitment to sustainability is genuine.



TE Takeaway

Veronica Biagini, senior manager of R&D and Product Development Engineering, found her passion for renewable energy at a young age.

 Veronica Biagini, Senior Manager of R&D and Product Development Engineering

Veronica Biagini, Senior Manager of R&D and Product Development Engineering, found her passion for renewable energy at a young age.