TE Connectivity
Man stands inside a conceptual rendition of a massive data center.

Final Thoughts

The future of innovation success

Together, executives and engineers can define a vision and a path forward.

Innovations that incorporate AI and sustainability will transform the technology industry in the coming years — and in turn help reshape society. The engineers who will drive this innovation are all-in on both topics, especially early-career engineers who will have a longer-term impact on an organization’s success. They recognize the importance of AI skills for their career advancement, and they are personally committed to supporting sustainability initiatives.

Engineers reviewing a performance report in a data control room.

Engineers reviewing a performance report in a data control room.

Successful technology organizations will harness this passion and provide the strategic direction and support that engineers need. When both groups contribute to the organization’s vision and action steps, organizations can accelerate progress toward their AI and sustainability goals in the near term. And over the longer term, this collaboration will help organizations attract and retain the next generation of engineers that will drive innovation for decades to come.

The elements of successful innovation


opportunities to integrate AI and sustainability into innovation efforts.

Identify Icon

on achievable innovation goals.

Agreeing Icon

responsibilities and motivating teams.

Defining Icon

on a detailed road map for implementation.

Collaborating Icon

and sharing progress. transparently.

Tracking Icon

ongoing training and upskilling.

Delivering Icon

financial support for projects.

Finance Icon
Worker from TE Connectivity Worker from TE Connectivity

Interested in learning more?

View a summary of the 2024 Industrial Technology Index or read last year’s report.