We Count On You To Speak Up
Empowering employees and business partners to promote our core values and report issues
The Office of Ombudsman
The Office of Ombudsman acts as an independent, impartial, and confidential resource with whom employees, suppliers, investors, customers, and other third parties can ask questions or raise concerns about potential violations of the TE Guide to Ethical Conduct (Guide), TE policies, laws or regulations (including Securities Law, International Human Rights law and other applicable laws or regulations), and other serious workplace concerns especially when the vital interests of the company or the life, health, and safety of the employees are at stake.
The Ombudsman reports directly to the Audit Committee of the TE Board of Directors. The Ombudsman ensures that all reported issues are investigated and resolved in an appropriate manner, as promptly and confidentially as possible. The Ombudsman and the Chief Compliance Officer routinely meets with the Compliance Committee, which includes members from TE’s Senior Management team, to review significant issues and trends. The Ombudsman also meets regularly with the Audit Committee of the TE Board of Directors, to provide reports about significant matters that are under review in addition to summaries of issues and trends.
We encourage those with concerns to contact the Office of Ombudsman as
outlined below, through the ConcernNET, ConcernLINE, ConcernAPP, or by e-mail at directors@te.com. Reports can also be made anonymously, and TE prohibits retaliation against reporters for reporting concerns based on reasonable grounds or beliefs.
Employees are the safe keepers and promoters of TE core values, so we want them to ask questions about ethics and compliance issues, especially when an answer may not be clear. We encourage our employees, as well as our business partners and other third parties, to promptly report any behavior or incident that is inconsistent with our Guide, our policies, and/or applicable laws or regulations. In many reported cases, we took corrective actions or otherwise made improvements to benefit the company and our employees. In other cases, the reporting process provides us with valuable insights and opportunities to be proactive and innovate.
Report a concern online.
Report a concern via phone
Report a concern via ConcernAPP by scanning the QR code.