Connect to a higher standard of value chain resilience
From R&D fabrication and testing labs, prototyping facilities, and pilot to volume manufacturing capacity, our global footprint provide you with the flexibility you need for fast turnaround and efficient product delivery as well as provides scalability you need to grow. Your development and manufacturing projects can be managed from one or more global centers of excellence, depending on the capabilities you require.

Plymouth, MN, USA (Trenton Lane)
5905 Trenton Ln N, Plymouth, MN 55442
+1 (763) 225-8242

Plymouth, MN, USA (Cheshire Parkway)
5015 Cheshire Parkway North, Plymouth, MN 55446
+1 (763) 744-0246

San Rafael, Costa Rica
Alajuela, San Rafael, Calle Potrerillos, Zona Franca Flexipark, Bodega G5, Costa Rica
+506 2106 5750

Guaymas, Mexico
Parque industrial Bellavista, Carretera Internacional KM 1969, Guadalajara-Nogales KM 2,
Empalme, Sonora, México, CP 85340
+52 6222254200

Heredia, Costa Rica
Zona Franca Metropolitana, Edificio 3-C, Heredia, 40104, Costa Rica
+506 2105 6800

Suzhou, China
No.8, Chunhui Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China 215122
+86 512 62554384