
Promotional Sample Program

Boost customer engagement with TE Connectivity products with our Pitch Packs and Pocket Packs that equip sales reps with a multi-functional sales tool that integrates TE product samples with key marketing messages and sales collateral into a simple, sleek package.

The Promotional Sample Program gives TE and distributor sales reps access to a user friendly site full of a variety of sample options. Visit the site, register and explore the products available. Check back often as we add new products!


Pitch Packs include a combination of product samples, benefit statements, related marketing collateral and links to additional digital assets all in a compact folder. These are ideal for customer visits.

Pocket Packs

Pocket packs include product samples along with a brief product description in an easy to transport bag. These are perfect for trade shows and customer visits.

Don´t have access to the TE Promotional Sample Program site?

To request access, please visit the Promotional Sample Program site. At the top right, you will see a Customer Service Inquiry/Login Request link. Submit the form and you will receive detailed login information.