Basic requirements information
Q: What is the maximum operating temperature of your application?
A: Our HT-200, RW-200, RW-200-E, SRFR, and RT555 series tubing products have a rated operating temperature to 200°C. (TFE and TFE-R are rated to 250°C but is only available in EMEA)
Q: Do you need a flame retardant solution for your application?
A: Our DWFR, SWFR, Versafit, ES2000, ATUM and FL2500 series are excellent choices when looking for flame retardant properties.
Q: What shrink ratio are you looking for?
A: We offer a wide range of shrink ratios from 6:1 in our PTCM series, multiple 4:1, 3:1 and 2:1 options, to 1.5:1 in our SRFR series.
Q: Are you looking for a sealed version of heat shrink tubing?
A: Our recently introduced DWFR series and our popular ATUM series are both excellent choices. We also have a variety of other sealed versions available including the DWP-125, CGAT, DWTC, RPPM, TAT-125, DSPL, ES1000, ES2000, FL2500, SCL, SCT, and SST series’.
Q: Do you offer AS23053 qualified tubing?
A: TE Connectivity has tubing qualified to /1, /4, /5, /6, /8, /10, /13, /15, /16 and /18.
Q: What regulatory requirements does your application require?
A: ATUM, CGAT, CGPT, CRN Type 1, DCPT, DWFR, DWP-125, ES1000, ES2000,ES CAPS, HFT5000, PD Caps, RHW, RNF-100, RNF-150, RNF-3000, RP-4800, RT-3, RT-375, RT555, RW-175, SCL, SST, SWFR, TAT-125 Type 1, and TC Caps. Versafit has UL qualifications.
Q: Do you offer a product resistant to fluids like aviation and diesel fuels, hydraulic fluids or lubrication oils?
A: Our DR-25 is particularly suitable for these applications. When used in conjunction with system 25 heat-shrinkable molded shapes and s1125 high performance adhesive, these products provide a complete cable harness system for applications exposed to fluids.
Q: Are you looking for a General Purpose heat shrink solution?
A: TE offers CGPE-105 in various vibrant colors, SWFR in black and VERSAFIT which i s offered in a full color palette
Q: Does your application require use in enclosed spaces where toxic gasses from burning materials containing halogens are undesirable?
A: SWFR X2 & X4 ZEROHAL (zero-halogen) tubing products are the ideal solution. Additionally,
HT-200, RW-175, RT-375, RT555 & RW-175 are fluoropolymers and have resistance to Aviation, Hydraulic and lubrication fluids which make them great solutions for sealing out gasses from burning materials as well.