Case Study
Heat Shrink Terminations Helping Water Utility
Major electrical infrastructure upgrade keeps the water flowing using Raychem Heat Shrink Cable Accessories
A regional water authority recently undertook a $30-million program upgrading and refurbishing the aging electrical infrastructure that powers the motors, pumps and valves to ensure water flow throughout the region, however, this project was faced with two particultar constraints that added complications to the project.
million program
million residents
customized kits
In order to meet the bend radius limitations that are present throughout the existing electrical cable infrastructure, TE’s engineering team customized high voltage heat shrink terminations that could not only accommodate the constraints in the cable infrastructure but also the large diameter paper insulated lead-covered (PILC) cables.
The motors, pumps and valves that help keep the water flowing are now protected from damage from ultraviolet light, exposure to pollution, acids, cable oils and other chemicals, salt fog, fire and thermal aging, surface electrical activity, tracking and erosion because of TE’s Raychem specially-formulated heat shrink materials.