Case Study
In today’s marketplace of highly reliable cable accessories, improper installation has become the most common cause of network failure. Learn how we partnered with SADINTER Group to improve installer competency.
Answering the Call for Reliability
As distribution networks continue to grow, so does the need for quality installation. But due to extreme cost and resource constraints, many utilities and network owner operators have been forced to outsource installation to third-party service providers. In order to ensure quality installation and network reliability, some utilities and network owner operators have created training programs for the installation teams they partner with.
The Challenge
SADINTER Group, a distributor and valuable partner of TE, has been a leader in electrical equipment distribution in Belgium for over half a century. With the success of their electrical installation training in Belgium, they decided to expand their program into the Netherlands. In doing so, they encountered a serious challenge: there was no industry-standard assessment for installer competence. How could SADINTER Group ensure that third-party jointers had been trained to the required skill level?
The Solution
"Train the Trainer" PROGRAM
TE’s collaborative approach started with a “train the trainer” program, ensuring that SADINTER’s experienced instructors had a holistic understanding of relevant products, optimum installation procedures, and the unique challenges of working in the Netherlands. Then, in close partnership with SADINTER Group, TE created a comprehensive offering of electrical training courses designed to document and test skills, as well as to assess and authorize installers. This curriculum enables third-party installers to receive in-depth, hands-on training from SADINTER Group’s trainers. When the theoretical and practical examinations are successfully completed, participants can also earn their certification as authorized TE installers within specific product categories.
The Outcome
Increased reliability of medium voltage networks
As a partner of more than 20 years, SADINTER Group is now able to carry out training at its facilities using TE’s methodology and materials. For SADINTER Group, authorized installation brings confidence and trust to their customers by improving installation quality and minimizing total cost of ownership. Together, TE and SADINTER Group have solved a previously unaddressed market challenge and increased the reliability of medium voltage networks through improved installation.