Explore how our sensors address the challenges in minimally invasive procedures, including small catheter sizes and harsh environments like high electromagnetic fields and corrosive blood.

Sensors for Minimally Invasive Medical Devices
From non-invasive blood pressure monitoring to minimally invasive surgical procedures, there are a variety of medical tools and equipment that require less invasive methods.
With the growth of minimally invasive technology, the scope of medical techniques has broadened offering new ways for doctors to diagnose and treat their patients. These advances have allowed for minimally invasive techniques to be used for more complicated procedures that had previously been considered unsuitable for minimally invasive practices. As these medical innovations further develop, the fields of medicine which are seeing the most minimally invasive technologies used in practice include orthopedic, cosmetic surgery, reproductive health, cardiology and vascular procedures, bariatric procedures, gastroenterology, and urology.
The benefits of minimally invasive techniques include more precise incisions for smaller wounds, minimal blood loss, fewer complications, less pain, the opportunity for the patient to heal more quickly and reduced hospitalization time. To confirm the success of these minimally invasive techniques and to realize these benefits, force, pressure, temperature, and other sensors allow for accurate, reliable measurements so the equipment can perform as expected. In addition, these sensor devices are evolving to become increasingly more compact while also housing more smart technology to fit within and enable these minimally invasive medical tools. Not only do these sensing technologies monitor the medical equipment but they also have the capability to be placed within the patient’s body to physically monitor vital information and relay that data to the medical professionals. For both applications, the packaging of the sensor must be durable to withstand any harsh medical matter that it will encounter. Sensor technology is essential for the success of minimally invasive tools and procedures because the benefits would not be reached without the use of the sensor data.
Learn how our IntraSense pressure sensor can help bring your medical device innovations to life and make a meaningful impact on patient care.
Discover the potential of intelligent catheters—advanced medical devices incorporating sensor technologies that enable functions beyond traditional catheters.