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The QL WIM sensor offers accurate and precise weight measurements of heavy goods vehicles under rolling traffic condition.


  • Quartz sensing technology
  • High sensitivity, charge output
  • Smaller sensor height for easier installation into road pavement
  • Measures from low to high speeds
  • Wide weight range capable
  • Low temperature coefficient 
  • High measurement accuracy, long-term stability and uniformity
  • Robust mechanical structure


  • Weigh-in-motion vehicle weighing
  • Bridge protection
  • Direct weight enforcement
  • Pavement design 
  • Toll plaza weighing
  • Traffic-flow monitoring
  • Overweight pre-selection
  • Overweight enforcement
  • Traffic data collection for pavement design and management


The QL WIM sensor fulfills the requirements of the EU, COST 323 A (5), American ASTM 1318-09 Type III and the Chinese GB/T 21296-2007 requirements. It is intended for use in medium speed pre-selection of overweight vehicles and toll plaza weighing. In combination with a charge amplifier and signal-processing system it measures accurately at the speeds from 5 to 200km/h.


Note: The final system performance (weighing accuracy and speed range) is dependent on the pavement conditions, installation quality, the algorithms on the WIM system and other variables.

  1. QL Weigh-in-Motion Traffic Sensor (English)

The QL Quartz weigh-in-motion traffic sensor provides accurate weighing data for gross vehicle weights and individual axle loads over a wide range of speed, weights and temperatures. Watch this video to learn more.

  • How long will the QL Quartz Weigh-In-Motion sensor (QL WIM) last in the road?

The QL Quartz WIM sensor is designed for a long life in the road.  During the design of the sensor, computer Finite Element Analysis was done the Aluminum cross section to ensure that even with the heaviest, repetitive loads that no part of the structure went over the plastic limits of the material.  Additionally, the components used in the design and construction of the sensor have a proven track record.  The sensor is fully shielded so that the sensor is not affected by electrical interference or lightening.  As with any in the road sensor, the life of the sensor will be impacted by the quality of the road.  The road section where the QL Quartz Weigh-In-Motion sensor is installed needs to be in accordance with ASTM 1318-09 or COST 323 design guides.


  • What electronic interface is required?

The QL Quartz Weigh-In-Motion sensor is designed to be used with commercially available WIM systems that have a Piezo interface card. The QL generates a charge that is then typically digitized for analyzing the weight of the axle and the vehicle.  The QL give a negative going signal which is like other sensors on the market.



  • Can the QL Quartz Quartz Weigh-In-Motion sensor be installed in Asphalt or concrete?

The QL WIM sensor can be installed in Asphalt or Concrete (Portland Cement).  The design life of a Portland Cement road is typically longer than that of an Asphalt road.  Therefore, it would normally be recommended to install the QL WIM sensor in a Portland Cement road. However, many installations will be done in asphalt roads.  It is essential that the road is in good condition with no cracking or joints in the location of the sensors.  It needs to be thick enough to sustain the intended loads.  And it needs to be smooth and flat before and after the sensor as per the ASTM/COST 323 guidelines.


  • Is an installation grout available for the QL Quartz Weigh-In-Motion sensor?

Installation grout is available from TE Connectivity.  It is a specially formulated epoxy that is sold as a kit.  A kit will be enough to install 1 sensor. There are 3 parts to the kit – Resin, Hardener, and a silica filler material.  Instructions are provided in the kit as well as there are installation instructions with each of the sensors.  The Epoxy is mixed as per the instructions using a mixing paddle and an electric drill.  The epoxy is poured partially into the cut and prepared slot, and then smeared on the sides.  The sensor is placed into the slot and any additional epoxy is added.


  • Can the QL Quartz Weigh-In-Motion achieve ASTM or COST 323 accuracy?

The accuracy that can be achieved with the QL Quartz WIM sensor will depend on varying factors to include the number of sensors used and the configuration; the WIM system used; and the quality of the road.  ASTM 1318-09 III and COST 323 A(5) can been achieved with the QL sensor in real world highway applications.



Please review product documents or contact us for the latest agency approval information.  

Product Type Features

  • Traffic Sensor Type  Quartz WIM Sensor


  • Product Length (m) .5, 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2

  • Product Length (ft) 1.64, 3.28, 4.92, 5.74, 6.56

  • Cable Length (m) 40, 100

  • Cable Length (ft) 131.24, 328.1

Reference Number

  • TE Internal Number CAT-TRA0009

Related Materials
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