Easy-to-install flow switches with multiple fitting options
TE Connectivity (TE) manufactures flow sensors suitable for various liquids. Designed for applications including water control, power shower, central heating systems, circulation pump protection, cooling and leak detection, our in-line flow switches and sensors offer various fittings for simple installation.
Flow sensing with reed switch reliability. TE's flow switches are suitable for hot and cold potable water due to rugged brass housings and the ability to operate from a small head of water. They are typically mounted in a well-defined channel, directly in the flowing media. Our flow switches are designed for water control, power shower, central heating systems, circulation pump protection, cooling and leak detection. They feature reed switch reliability and are easy to install. Materials include PPE and brass, as well as glass filled PPS for durability and material compatibility.
Product Features:
Capabilities for TE's Flow Switch Portfolio
- Flow switches compatible with liquids such as fuels, oils, organic solvents, boiling water, acids, drinking water (potable water), deionized water, and alcohols
- Various fittings available for simple installation including threaded fittings, compression fittings, and direct copper pipe process connections
- Products available with UL 94-HB flammability rating designed for a variety of automotive, medical and industrial gas flow applications
- Features including reed switch reliability and easy installation