DC Contactors: High Voltage, Light Weight and Environmentally sealed

Engineered for flexibility in usage our DC Contactors are available in variations. We offer high-vibration HARTMAN and KILOVAC DC Contactors for aerospace and defense applications, rated to make, break and carry 500 amps, with overload ratings up to 2,000 amps along with our Industrial offering of ECK and ECP DC Contactors for BESS, EVI and general industrial applications with rating voltage 1000-1500 VDC, designed to carry 800 amps. These DC Contactors either come equipped with electronic or mechanical economizers or are available as basic contactors to which you may apply your own economizer circuits.

High Voltage Industrial DC Contactors
Know more about High Voltage Industrial DC Contactors
Combined ECK and ECP Series
High Voltage DC Contactors - ECK and ECP Series

High Voltage DC Contactors ECP Series

ECP series high voltage contactors are designed for battery energy storage systems, photovoltaic inverters,and EV chargers. With the hydrogen gas filling and ceramic hermetically sealing technology, they can achieve excellent arc extinguishing, making them safer and reliable, applicable in 1500 VDC voltage system.

High Voltage DC Contactors ECP Series

Product Specification Overview

Relay Type ECP 40B ECP 150B ECP 250B ECP 350B ECK 600B
Contact arrangement 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM)
Continuous carry current DC [A] 40 A 350 A 500 A 500 A 800 A
Rated current [A] 40 A 150 A 250 A 350 A 600 A
Max. switching voltage [V] 1500 VDC 1500 VDC 1500 VDC 1500 VDC 1500 VDC
Main contact polarity Non-polarity Non-polarity Non-polarity Non-polarity Non-polarity
Mechanical life Upto 200,000 cycles Upto 200,000 cycles Upto 200,000 cycles Upto 200,000 cycles Upto 200,000 cycles
Auxiliary Contact Data
Contact form No auxiliary contact 1 Form A (SPST-NO) 1 Form A (SPST-NO) 1 Form A (SPST-NO) 1 Form A (SPST-NO)
Contact current, Max No auxiliary contact 2 A, 30 VDC 2 A, 30 VDC 2 A, 30 VDC 2 A, 30 VDC
Contact current, Min No auxiliary contact 10 mA, 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VDC
Coil Data
Coil type Single Coil Dual Coil Dual Coil Dual Coil Dual Coil
Coil voltages DC [V] 12, 24 12, 24 12, 24 12, 24 12, 24
Steady coil power [W] or Startup/ Holding power [W/W] 3 50 / 5 50 / 5 50 / 5 50 / 5
Max operate voltage DC [V] 16, 32 16, 32 16, 32 16, 32 16, 32
Min release voltage DC [V] 1, 2 1.2, 2.4 1.2, 2.4 1.2, 2.4 1.2, 2.4
Initial Dielectric Strength
Breakdown voltage [Vrms]

Opened main contacts

Main contacts-coil

Main contact-aux contacts
5400 Vrms
5400 Vrms 5400 Vrms 5400 Vrms 5400 Vrms
5400 Vrms
5400 Vrms 5400 Vrms 5400 Vrms 5400 Vrms
5400 Vrms
5400 Vrms 5400 Vrms 5400 Vrms 5400 Vrms
General Data
Ambient temperature [°C] -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C
Termination Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw
Mounting Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount
Certifications UL, TUV, CE UL, TUV, CE UL, TUV, CE UL, TUV, CE UL, TUV, CE

High Voltage DC Contactors ECK Series

The ECK series is designed for control in new energy applications. The ECK product line is an advanced and reliable solution for EV charging stations, solar inverters, battery energy storage systems, automated-guided vehicles (AGV) and e-Forklifts, they provide bi-directional loads, With hydrogen gas filling and ceramic hermetically sealing technology, they can achieve excellent arc extinguishing, making them safer and reliable. These contactors can be used in 1000VDC system applications.

High Voltage DC Contactors ECK Series

Product Specification Overview

Product Series ECK 50B ECK 100B ECK 150B ECK 200B ECK 250B ECK 150 ECK 200 ECK 250
Contact arrangement 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM) 1 Form X (SPST-NO-DM)
Continuous carry current DC [A]
100 A 150 A 200 A 500 A 500 A 200 A 500 A 500A
Rated current[A] 50A 100A 150A 200A 250A 150A 200A 250A
Max. switching voltage [V] 1000 VDC 1000 VDC 1000 VDC 1000 VDC 1000 VDC 1000 VDC 1000 VDC 1000 VDC
Contact resistance max [mΩ] 1.2 mΩ (50 A,
after 1min)
0.8 mΩ (100
A, after 1min)
0.4 mΩ (150 A,
after 1min)
0.4 mΩ (200 A,
after 1min)
0.4 mΩ (250 A,
after 1min)
0.4 mΩ (150 A,
after 1min)
0.4 mΩ (200 A,
after 1min)
0.4 mΩ (250A,
after 1min)
Main contact polarity Non-polarity Non-polarity Non-polarity Non-polarity Non-polarity Polarity Polarity Polarity
Mechanical life Upto 250,000 cycles Upto 250,000 cycles Upto 500,000 cycles Upto 500,000 cycles Upto 500,000 cycles Upto 500,000 cycles Upto 500,000 cycles Upto 500,000 cycles
Auxiliary Contact Data
Contact form 1 Form A (SPST-NO) 1 Form A (SPST-NO) 1 Form A (SPST-NO) 1 Form A (SPST-NO) 1 Form A (SPST-NO) 1 Form A (SPST-NO) 1 Form A (SPST-NO) 1 Form A (SPST-NO)
Contact current, Max 2A, 30VDC 2 A, 30 VDC 2 A, 30 VDC 2 A, 30 VDC 2 A, 30 VDC 2 A, 30 VDC 2 A, 30 VDC 2 A, 30 VDC
Contact current, Min 10 mA, 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VDC 10 mA, 24 VDC
Coil Data
Coil type Single Coil Single Coil PWM control PWM control PWM control PWM control PWM control PWM control
Coil voltages DC [V] 12, 24, 48 12, 24, 48 9 - 36 9 - 36 9 - 36 9 - 36 9 - 36 9 - 36
Steady coil power
[W] or Startup/ Holding power [W/W]
5.5, 6, 6 5.5, 6, 6 27.7 / 1.7 27.7 / 1.7 27.7 / 1.7 27.7 / 1.7 27.7 / 1.7 27.7 / 1.7
Max operate voltage DC [V] 13.2, 26.5, 52.8 13.2, 26.5, 52.8
36 36 36 36 36 36
Min release voltage DC [V] 10% Un 10% Un 3 3 3 3 3 3
Initial Dielectric Strength

Breakdown voltage [Vrms]

Opened main contacts


Main contacts- coil

Main contact- aux contacts

4300 Vrms
4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms
4300 Vrms
4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms
4300 Vrms
4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms 4300 Vrms
General Data
Ambient temperature [°C] -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C -40°C to 85°C
Termination Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw Screw
Mounting Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount

HARTMAN DC Contactors

For the most severe environmental conditions HARTMAN DC contactors are lightweight and environmentally (gasket) sealed, with hermetically-sealed enclosures available for most severe environmental conditions or altitudes above 50,000 feet. Multiple main contact configurations and auxiliary contact configurations are available. AC and DC contactors are designed to meet the applicable requirements of MIL-PRF-6106 and/or specific customer specifications.  

Hartman DC Contactors
Hartman DC Contactors

Featured Product

HARTMAN DC Contactors - K-Series

HARTMAN DC contactors, operate at 28 volts and are among the smallest and lightest 200-1000 ampere DC contactors available in the aerospace industry. ​These highly flexible buss bar mounted or chassis mounted units are designed for either continuous or start duty applications in the DC power distribution systems of military and commerical aircraft and ground vehicles. 


Description Contact Arrangement Sealed Amp Rating
K200 SPST NO. Double Break Gasket up to 200 Amps
K400 SPST NO. Double Break Gasket up to 400 Amps
K500 SPST NO. Double Break Gasket up to 500 Amps
K-1000 SPST NO. Double Break Gasket up to 1,000 Amps

KILOVAC DC Contactors

KILOVAC DC Contactors from TE Connectivity deliver the switching performance demanded by aerospace and defense applications. These lightweight dc power contactors offer continuous current ratings up to 500 amps at 900 volts dc in very compact packages. 

We realize that your critical application could require a highly specialized contactor, and we're ready to help. Our technical sales team and engineers will work with you to provide a unit meeting your precise requirements.

KILOVAC High Voltage DC Contactors

Product Specification Overview

Product Series   MAP101 MAP100 CAP202 CAP200/ MAP200 MAP201 CAP200B
Main Contact Data              
Continuous Current A 100 100 300 500 350 500
Contact Voltage Range Vdc 12-900 12-900 12-900 12-900 12-900 12-900
Electrical Life at Rared Current, 270Vdc, Resistive Load Cycles 25,000 15,000 10,000 1,000 5,000 2,000
Overload (Make/Break) @ 350Vdc A 2,000/2,000 500/1,500 650/2,000 650/2,000 2,000/2,000 650/1,500
Rupture (Break Only) @350 Vdc A 2,000 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,500
Contact Form   Latch X (NO) or Latch X (NO) X (NO) or Latch X (NO) or Latch Y (NC)
Contact Resistance @ Rated Current milliohms 0.75 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2
Auxiliary Contact Data              
Contact Form/ Quantity of Sets (Max.)   Form A/1 Form A/1 Form C/4 Form A/2 Form A/2 Form A/1
Current Rating @ 30Vdc (Ag/Au), Max. A 2.0/0.1 2.0/0.1 2.0/0.1 2.0/0.1 2.0/0.1 2.0/0.1
Minimum Signal Level Vdc/mAdc

Ag 6V/15mA    

Au 5V/5mA

Ag 6V/15mA

Au 5V/5mA

Ag 6V/15mA 

Au 5V/5mA

Ag 6V/15mA

Au 5V/5mA

Ag 6V/15mA    

Au 5V/5mA

Ag 6V/15mA   

Au 5V/5mA

Dielectric Withstanding Voltage              
Contacts to Coil to All Other Points Vrms 1,500 1,500 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
Insulation Resistance              
Initially @ 500Vdc megohms 100 100 100 100 100 100
At End of Life @ 500Vdc megohms 50 50 50 50 50 50
Environmental Data              
Operating Temperature Range °C -55 to +85 -55 to +85 -55 to +85 -55 to +85 -55 to +85 -55 to +85
Storage Temperature Range °C -65 to +125 -65 to +125 -65 to +125 -65 to +125 -65 to +125 -65 to +125
Shock, 11ms, 1/2 Sine G's 20 20 30 20 20 20
Vibration, Sine (55-2,000 Hz) G's 20 20 20 20 20 20
Coil Transient Suppression   No X, Yes/Latch, No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mechanical Data              
Operate Time @25°C (Including Bounce), Max./Typ. ms 40/20 40/20 40/20 40/20 40/20 40/20
Release Time, Max. ms 15 15 15 15 15 15
Bounce Time, Max. ms 5 5 5 5 5 5
Mechanical Life, Min. Cycles 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
Weight (Nominal) lb. (kg) 0.79 (.35) 0.79 (.35) 1.3 (.59) .95 (.43) .95 (.43) .95 (.43)
Coil Voltage (Nominal) Vdc 28 28 28 28 28 28

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High Voltage Relays offer low and stable contact resistance over the part life cycle.