Our Raychem EHVS-H high voltage cable Joints are based on a heat shrink design to provide highly reliable connections up to 72.5 kV even under severe environmental conditions.
Product Availability :Americas, Asia, Australia, New Zealand & Pacific Islands, China, Europe, Middle East & Africa
Joints & Splice Product Type :Inline Joint
Voltage Class (kV):≤ 52, ≤ 72
Compatible Conductor Cross-Section Range (mm²):2500
Number of Cores :1
Available from
Our Raychem EHVS-H High Voltage Heat Shrink Joints are designed to be reliable, fast and easy to install on almost any polymeric insulated cables of various designs can be adapted with respect to shielding and metal sheath.
Our Raychem High Voltage Heat Shrink Cable Joints have been used by utilities and industrial companies around the world for more than 35 years. Our materials technology is at the core of the development of our high voltage heat shrink cable joints. The materials used in our cable accessories have been extensively optimized with respect to product design and function, manufacturing and expected service environments. Our heat shrink joint system system is suitable for paper and polymeric cable constructions, and is also designed to accommodate modern jointing requirements such as mechanical shear bolt connectors.
The conductive outer layer together with the insulating middle layer represents the heat-shrinkable hold out for the inner elastomeric layer of the joint body. During the shrinking process, the stored recovery force of the elastomeric layer is released. Combined with the recovery force generated by the heat-shrinkable outer layers of the joint body and good ability of geometrical adjustment, the resulting high-compression force provides tight electrical interfaces and a high-performing seal against moisture ingress.
The installation of the joint can be done by trained installers equipped with conventional tools. The joint is designed and tested according to the standards: IEEE 404 and IEC 60840.
Key Features
Heat-shrinkable stress control sleeves
Cable size transition possible
Water and corrosion-resistant
Easy and fast to install with standard tools
Lightweight components
Unlimited storage life-time under normal conditions
High level of mechanical protection against environmental influences
Moisture sealing
Suitable for paper and polymeric cable constructions
Mechanical shear bolt connector
Handle different insulation layers like XLPE, EPR or paper MIND
Question: With what type of cable are TE's Raychem EHVS-H Heat Shrink Cable Joints compatible?
Answer: Our Raychem Heat Shrink Cable Joints are designed to be compatible with polymeric insulated cables independent of the manufacturer and can be adapted with respect to grounding required for various cable constructions.