Reliable, robust, and versatile for USB uses

Our Micro USB connectors combine high-speed data capabilities and a charging function, all-in-one connectors. TE’s Micro USB products are most often used in mobile devices and are the smallest connector series in the USB family. These are well known for being reliable, robust, and versatile for all USB uses. We have a large portfolio of micro USB connector types along with highly customizable solutions for design flexibility. TE USB products provide a complete interconnection technology for Input/Output (I/O) devices and deliver low applied cost to customers. We have many variants, ranging from DIP type soldering, surface-mount technology (SMT) soldering, standard mount, reverse mount, and mid-mount.

The USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a standard product controlled by USB Implementer's Forum. USB is characterized bywidespread market adoption and consists of several form factors to accommodate different device requirements. TheMicro USB series are mostly used in mobile devices and are the smallest connector series in the USB family. TE’s USBconnectors combine high speed data capabilities and a charging function in one connector.

Product Features:

USB Micro Connectors

  • Design reliably provides a stable connection even after thousands of insertions.
  • Cost savings achieved by the integration of power and data transportation within one connector. 
  • Large portfolio and highly customizable product provides high design flexibility.  

Select Applications:

USB Micro Connectors

  • Cell phones and smart phones
  • Tablets and readers
  • MP3 players
  • GPS units
  • Home electronic devices 
  • Digital cameras and camcorders
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