A passive component, also known as a passive device, is an electronic component which can only receive energy, which it can either dissipate, absorb, or store in an electric field or a magnetic field. Passive components do not need any form of independent electrical power to operate. Passive devices are incapable of controlling current by means of another electrical signal. There are several types of passive components, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers.
What are Passive Components Used For?
Passive components can either be used individually or connected together within a circuit either in a series or in a parallel combination to control complex circuits or signals, produce a phase shift to the signal or to provide some form of feedback but they cannot multiply a signal by more than one because they have no power gain. Passive components are bi-directional, meaning that they can be connected in either direction within a circuit, unless they have a particular polarity marking (such as electrolytic capacitors). The polarity of the voltage across them is determined by conventional current flow from the positive to the negative terminal. In fact, passive devices consume power within an electrical or electronic circuit as they act like attenuators unlike active elements that generate or provide power to a circuit.
Passive devices can be divided into two types: Resistors are dissipative, in that they dissipate the energy they receive in heat, rather than store it. Lossless components such as inductors, capacitors, transformers, and gyrators store the energy received in either electrical or magnetic fields. We offer a wide range of passive components, including power resistors that can be customized to address specific design requirements.
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