Robotics for Factory Automation
Increasing the automation in factories requires robots engineered for high precision and durability under extreme conditions and heavy use.
Designing Factory Robots
The number of applications for state-of-the-art industrial robots is growing constantly. From automotive and aircraft construction to the pharmaceutical industry, logistics and metal processing, the latest generation of industrial robots can handle ever more complex tasks. We design and develop precise products and solutions that connect and protect the flow of power and data to meet every challenge. We are designing the connectors, sensors, EMI filters, passive and relays that fit into these industrial robots and help ensure the enormous quantities of data points from the robots and their manufacturing environment are gathered and routed at the highest possible speed. With our innovative technology, experience and creativity, you will find it easy to achieve higher productivity and efficiency with better and reliable connectivity.
From concept to final design, our experts provide you with exactly what you need at every critical point throughout the journey. To give you a competitive edge on the market, browse through our broad portfolio for more standard and customized products and solutions. Connect with us today by simply clicking on below Call or Live Chat buttons.

Robot Manipulator / Arm and Base
The considerably high rate of industrial automation is the main driver behind developments in robotics. The range of applications robots need to handle is expanding with high speed and precision, and drives the demand for versatile, flexible and intelligent end-of-arm tooling that adds value to the overall production system. A robot is a type of programmable mechanical arm consisted of multi-axis and can work like a human arm. TE offers a broad portfolio from industrial communications, sensors, and power to motor connectivity solutions complemented with standard and customized cable assembly solutions to meet the requirements of the different end-markets.
See also
Dynamic Series connector
Through a wide range of power and signal options, Dynamic Series connectors provide an industrialized solution to meet requirements for size, and ease of installation.
Executive Insight on Cobots in Factories

Performing the functional need of the robot, End of Arm Technology (EoT) acts as the gripper, mechanic, welder, vacuum, painter or more as required by application. With these designs comes the need for rugged, high-speed, and reliable connectivity. Explore the ruggedized portfolio below designed to satisfy needs for EoT technology.

Robot Controller
The main task of robot control technology is controlling industrial robots’ motion in the workspace position, attitude and trajectory, the operation sequence, and time of action. As a manufacturer of robot and control technology, you need to be ready for the future - a future where smaller size, flexibility and modularity, optimum configuration options, high productivity and efficiency are the key factors determining your customers’ success. TE’s wide range of power, data and signal interconnect products help to achieve critical and reliable connections to precisely control robots, such as HDC products providing high quality solutions for reliable and safe connectivity in harsh environment.

Teaching Pendant Unit (TPU)
Through a variety of device options, the Teaching Pendant Unit (TPU) maps the trajectory and function of the robot through digital "teaching." Once "taught," this programming unit can be detached in order to control remotely, and requires high-speed connectivity to maintain efficient operation and safety.