Powering your production

Our Dynamic Series connectors offer flexible signal and power solutions for all your control needs. Download our whitepaper to see why TE's Dynamic Series connectors are the best pick to meet the efficiency requirements of the factory of the future.

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Enable Factory Automation Efficiency with Board Connectors
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TE’s Dynamic Series connector solutions range from signal level circuitry to power circuit connectivity – all in a ruggedized, industrialized package. Our engineers have designed this product range for use in control system applications to suit high density, signal, and power applications. These wire-to-board, wire-to-panel, and wire-to-wire connectors have diverse housings that can meet most applications. And while standard crimp and spring clamp variations of parts are available, standardized contacts limit the amount of application tooling required. 

Dynamic Series

Connector System

Pitch [mm] 1.8    2.0    2.5 3.5 2.5 5.08 3.81 5.08 5.08 7.5
Series D-Mini D-1100 D-1200 D-1900 D-2100 D-2950 D-3100 D-3200 D-3500 D-3950
Pin Range 12-44 2-40 2-20 8-38 3-50 5-6 6-20 2-20 2-20 2-11
Crimp   Crimp   Crimp   Spring Clamp
Crimp   Spring Clamp Crimp   Crimp   Crimp   Spring Clamp
Current [A/UL] 3 5 5 4 5 10 15 15 15 14.5
Voltage Rating [V/UL] 125 125 250 150 250 300 250 600 600 600
Wire-to-Board                    x
x x x x x x x x x
Board-to-Board                    x x x
x -
x x -
Pitch [mm] 6.35 7.5 10.16 13.1 16 24.4
Series D-4200 D-4950 D-5200 D-5900 D-7100 D-8000
Pin Range 2-6 8 2-8 4-6 4 2
Termination Crimp   Spring Clamp Crimp&   Spring Clamp Crimp   Crimp  
Current Rating [A/UL] 24 22 45 42 65 100
Voltage Rating [V/UL] 600 600 630 600 630 1000
Wire-to-Board x x x x x x
Board-to-Board x x x - x -
  1. Dynamic Series Video (English)

TE's rugged PCB connector family reflects our strong focus on customer success and provide an efficient and reliable device connection solution.


Dynamic Ultra Series Connector System

The Dynamic Ultra connector series from TE Connectivity (TE) is engineered as a miniature wire-to-board interconnection system. Its multiple contact points provide for reliable performance even in demanding environments, such as electric vehicle (EV) powertrains, battery packs, and automotive lighting applications. Featuring a secondary locking mechanism, the Dynamic Ultra connector Series complies with the LV 214 standard, making it suitable for specialized automotive applications. Additionally, the series offers user-friendly features designed to enhance overall product functionality and benefits.

Key Benefits

  • Ensures reliable performance in harsh environments, including high-vibration conditions.
  • Designed to meet automotive regulations and the pre-assembly retainer saves time for harness makers.
  • Avoids unlocking or poor locking after mating.
  • Eliminates the need for two types of pin connectors for error-proofing, saving space.
  • Natural colour is preferred for lighting applications, while black is more suited for BESS applications, depending on customer preference.

Dynamic Mini-Series

Mini yet critical - a high-performance choice for industry and automotive application, reliable signal transfer solution for the battery management system, energy storage systems

  1. Dynamic Mini Series Video

Dynamic Mini Series connector lower profile design provides extra valuable space on the board for signal transmission on the PCB.


Dynamic D1000 Slim

Dynamic D1000 Slim small wire-to-wire connector is suitable for narrow spaces in small industrial equipment and small machinery applications. The size of the D1000 is 80% smaller than the D1200 series with low interference risk and streamlined design. To Know more download the product guide.

  1. Dynamic D1000 Slim Video

Dynamic slim small wire-to-wire connector is suitable for narrow spaces in small industrial equipment and small machinery applications.

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