
通信部門の戦略および事業開発を担当する副社長であるAmitabh Passiが、5Gネットワークおよび未来のネットワークへの取り組みを説明します。

Spokesperson: (V.O.) I'm Amitabh Passi, I'm in charge of strategy and business development for the communications solutions segment, which is one of the three major segments at TE Connectivity.


Spokesperson: (V.O.) We think 5G technology will become a key interconnection point because you've got to send this data between devices and the cloud.




Spokesperson: (V.O.) What 5G does is address problems across three dimensions. One is speed. 5G networks will be 100 times faster than 4G. One is around connections, machine-to-machine, about 100 times to 1,000 times more connections than 4G can handle. The third is around latency. Imagine wearing a VR headset with real-time data streaming. Anything over a millisecond latency, you start to get dizzy. We are addressing aspects of latency, aspects of machine-to-machine. Then again, going back to the speed and performance attributes, we bring all that to bear with 5G. What used to be a dumb passive antenna becomes a very sophisticated active antenna with high-speed connections inside the antenna. Again, to the question around the Data and Devices portfolio, we're bringing a lot of that technology into these next generation systems.




Spokesperson: (V.O.) We, at TE, see 5G as being a global phenomenon, but there are a few geographies that I believe are leading the trend, China, for sure. China's primary use case of 5Gs around the Internet of Things. The US is also in the leading seat. Then we've heard from geographies in Japan and South Korea that are also very aggressive in terms of 5G. We think it's these four geographies that probably lead, China, US, South Korea, Japan and then followed by other geographies like Europe.




Spokesperson: (V.O.) We are very focused on 5G.


Spokesperson: (V.O.) We're trying to address all facets of 5G from an infrastructure perspective. We have customers that are building next generation base stations.

We have customers building active antenna systems that sit on a tower. Then we'll have antennas that sit on a car to communicate with the towers. So we, at TE, are addressing the internet infrastructure and the architecture for 5G.